Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Startup Pitch Deck Preparation | Trademark Registration Online India

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Whenever entrepreneurs are looking to raise capital and get legitimate VCs for their startup, the first step that they need to accomplish is to have an appealing, detailed, clear Startup Pitch Deck.

A pitch deck is a brief presentation that provides investors with an overview of your Start-up idea, organizational structure, appeal in the business line, feasibility, and viability.

Startup pitch deck ordinarily focusses on:

Showcasing product/ service

Insights on your business model

A look into your monetization strategy

An introduction of your founders and your team

Industry synopsis

Factors that make your startup more advantageous than the rest of your competitors (If any)

Most Investors review hundreds of Startup Pitch Decks every day and hence a basic deck fails to excite them enough to consider a startup seriously. The repetitive and mundane feel of basic pitch decks of every other startup makes them want to see one unique and impactful.

Creating a Startup pitch deck that stands out from your competitors is crucial before pitching VCs for investment. It will determine whether your pitch deck will be thoroughly reviewed or skipped immediately.

Essentials for a good startup pitch deck:

Straight up and to the point with crystal clear insights

Usage of infographics, line charts

Separate slides for Product Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Cash burning, Financial budgets, etc.

Based on clean visual aesthetic

Summary of Target markets

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